Sunday, September 16, 2012

Best 10 Books by Stephen King

1. The Shining
This one is a classic. A must read for all Stepghen King fans.

2. Christine
I had to put this on second spot because for me it was one of his most intense books. Although the idea behind it is not the best, the writing is exceptional.

3. The Stand

4. Misery

5. Carrie
His first novel, although it lacks the rich writing of his later novels is still a powerful writing of his.

6. IT

7. Pet Cemetery

8. Cujo

9. The Green Mile

10. Salem's Lot

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Best 10 by Robert Kiyosaki

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad
His best seller book, puts things in perspective through the eyes of his poor dad and also his rich friend's dad. Really good book to make you shift your thinking.

2. You Can Choose to be Rich
I've placed this 12CD audio-book (you can find it in a book format as well) on second spot because is full of information.

3. Rich Dad's Who Took My Money?

4. CASHFLOW Quadrant

5. Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich

6. Why We Want You to Be Rich by Robert Kiyosaki & Donald J. Trump

7. Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ

8. Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money

9. Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job

10. Rich Dad's The Business School

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Best 10 by Anthony Robbins

1. Awaken the Giant Within
It's the book he sold most copies of, and it is very powerful. Basicaly, there is a giant within each one of us ready to be put to work.

2. Unlimited Power

3. Anthony Robbins' Personal Power II

4. Giant Steps

5. The Time of Your Life

6. Notes from a Friend : A Quick and Simple Guide to Taking Control of Your Life

7. Inner Strength

8. Get The Edge

9. Body You Deserve

10. Lessons in Mastery

They are not all books, but CD/DVD programs as well.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Best 10 Books on Start-up Business

1. Business Model You - Tim Clark

2. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
I liked this book very much because it tells you why the small businesses fail and it's kind of an eye opener on where to focus. Also you lear how to focus on working on your business not in your business.

3. Start Your Business in 7 Days - James Caan

4. The Star Principle: How It Can Make You Rich - Richard Koch
This book will make you aim for the star principle in your business, being above your competition all the time by applying the star principle to your business.

5. Start Your Own eBay or Amazon - Kim Benjamin

6. The Food Truck Handbook - David Weber

7. Entrepreneurship - Frederick G. Crane

8. The Start-up of You - Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha

9. Zoom! - Ian Sanders and David Sloly

10. Lean Startup - Eric Ries

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Best 10 Books on Wealth Creation

1. Thinks and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Amazing book, you need to re-read this every once in a while. This book is way ahead of it's time, you wouldn't think it was written more than 70 years ago. This is not just about wealth, but positive thinking.

2. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Very motivational, makes you think like the rich people do.

3. The Millionaire Next Door - `Thomas Stanley and William Danko
A study made on millionaires and averages drawn from every part of their life.

4. Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins
Every one of us has a giant within us, and we are capable of amazing things. Not 100% wealth creation book but it does apply to this as well.

5. The One Minute Entrepreneur - Ken Blanchard and Don Hutson

6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey

7. Richest Man in Babylon - George Clason

8. How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

9. The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen

10. 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - Brian Tracy

About this blog

I have started listening to audiobooks and I don't want to waste a lot of time selecting what I want to hear, so I have decided to listen to the best books there are on a specific topic. Hence, I started this blog to keep track of what I am listening and to help others make this choice as well. If you are to read or listen to a book you may as well look at the best in that field.